Devlog #1

Hello!! This is our first Devlog. 
We are ultra professional gamers aka Kaatje, Zora, Bern, Warre and Orjo, and we just started our journey on making a couch co-op game for a school project.

This week, we have tried to think more thoroughly about the goal and obstacles of our game (we don't have a name yet, oops).

This will be our final goal:

"Escape the lab by reaching and opening the door to freedom as fast as you can!
The way towards the door is filled with obstacles and can make you lose limbs before they regrow slowly."

The game will have a time based score and when you replay the game, you can try to beat your previous score.

As for the obstacles: 

-There will be NO time limit, but, a time based score so you can replay it to try to beat the score.

-There are a few pressure plates scattered around that activates an obstacle, like something falling from the ceiling or a saw cutting your legs, ...

-There can be a toxic potion laying on the ground, all broken, (or spikes/a saw, etc...) where you have to jump and grab a shelf /railing to climb sideways on.

-There can be a camera or laser that you have to avoid by standing behind a pole or wall, and wait for it to pass.

-When a limb gets caught by an obstacle, it gets removed (dies) and slowly (but not too slow) grows back.

How the co-op works:

You can play this game with either 2 or 4 players. Each player controls a limb (or if you are with 2 people, you control 2 limbs; the arm and leg) of Frankenstein. 

For the legs: The player's timing could be important for example for jumping. You will need to press a button at the same time so you can properly jump, otherwise it fails. 

For the arms: We can also grab certain objects that we need. 

Bern also already made the prototype for the limb movement on a ragdoll. 

Thanks for reading and hopefully you will play! See you next week!! 

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