Devlog #8

Heeey guys!!

This week we have been working more on PatchworkParkour ofcourse!

In our previous build, we had a level that Bern made, which was not final yet. So this week, we have split this task to us 4. Basically I put that level aside and started on a new one, which should be the final one. We just want a decent level asap, it shouldn't be finalized yet this week, but we just need a game that's finishable at least.

This is what we have for now:

We have play tested it from time to time and noticed we should add/get rid of some stuff. Either way, it's still super goofy and funny to play, even if some parts are a bit hard (which is purposefully done !!). 

For the artist side: We also worked more on some modular pieces, we will still update the chains, spikes, and wheels. We also finished the platforms and backgrounds. The problem we still have is that it's not consistent enough yet, but Zora will work on that. 

We have noticed that we need more player feedback so we have been working on that as well. There are now indicators which show in what direction you're moving both your arms and the torso making it easier to keep track of what's going on. Additionally there is now a particle effect when you grab something. Not everything is implemented yet though. Right now for example, it's still hard to know when a limb is damaged, we will make a change to that. It needs to be more clear.

For the tech side: Warre started working on the HUD, and there's also finally a counter. Moving objects are also linked to the lever.

For the sound side: all obstacles sounds are finished. The last obstacles; spikes and the lever (finally) have sound! Now we have started to give the limbs of Frankenstein more sound. A small pop can be heard when Franky's limbs detach from his body or attach to his body. Also sound can be heard whenever he grabs the stone platforms or the wooden ladder. Now the most important thing is to make sure Franky has a voice. But that is for next week!

Like always, thaaanks for reading and I hope you're excited to play the game!

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61 days ago

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