Devlog #10

Heyyy Patchwork buddies!! 

Here we are again with little updates in our game. This week is the final week we might add a new feature and the game will be almost a good as ready. We'll use next week to polish everything according code, sound and art. 

We're still struggling a litte with the level design, but honestly,  it's harder than it looks. And also, we want to give you guys the best version there is of this game. We practically finished the part of the dungeon and started on the final part. Around the level, we're adding few things here and there to finetune the overall player experience. 

And as you can see in this screenshot, the waterfalls are fixed and work the way they should. 

The programmers, Bern and Warre, are busy with balancing the features so everything goes smoothly. We're still having some issues with the UI screens, The buttons aren't quite responsing to the controller input. But they're still working on it, no need to worry.

They're also looking more into the levers to connect some platforms or obstacles. When pulling a lever a platforrm or obstacle is gonna move or stop moving. To get to some parts of the level, a lever will need to be pulled or else you won't be able to go through. Now we're gonna add lines, call them cables or some kind, from the lever to the connected platform, so it's clear for everyone to know what effect the lever has.

 Isn't  it fun to have these levers...? Be sure not to miss any, because it could cost you valuable time! So beware! 

Now, let's talk about sound. The final components of the sound are here, the music and the UI.  The UI is kept simple with short synth sounds. Kaatje tried to find music that is haunting but equally fun, because this is not meant to be a scary game. Other tiny SFX were added into the scene to make it more lively. By the sewers you can hear rats and the exit door has some sort of angelic sound to draw the player in.  All other time was spend mixing all sounds together.

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